自全球大范围爆发疫情开始,许多 为了安全起见都选择了封闭出入境,澳大利亚同时也不例外,所有进入澳洲的外国签证持有者,以及离开澳洲的澳洲PR和公民,都需要向澳洲移民局提交出入境豁免申请,豁免批准后才能出境或入境。下面就由疆山小编来为您详细介绍。
1.your travel is as part of the response to the COVID-19 outbreak,including the provision of aid
2.your travel is for your business/employer
3.you are travelling to receive urgent medical treatment that is not available in Australia
4.you are travelling outside Australia for a compelling reason for three months or longer
5.you are travelling on compassionate or humanitarian grounds
6.your travel is in the national interest.
如果你选择compelling or compassionate来作为出境理由,目前比较理想的是申请人的海外直系亲属患重病或死亡,申请人出于人道主义必须离境去吊唁或照顾海外直系亲属。
1.a foreign national travelling at the invitation of the Australian Government or a state or territory government authority for the purpose of assisting in the COVID-19 response
2.a foreign national whose entry into Australia would be in the national interest,supported by the Australian Government or a state or territory government authority
3.providing critical or specialist medical services,including air ambulance,medical evacuations and delivering critical medical supplies
4.a foreign national with critical skills or working in a critical sector in Australia
5.a foreign national sponsored by your employer to work in Australia in an occupation on the Priority Migration Skilled Occupation List(PMSOL)
6.military personnel,including those who form part of the Status of Forces Agreement,Commonwealth Armed Forces,Asia Pacific Forces and Status of Armed Forces Agreement
7.a person who resides on a vessel that seeks safe port at the closest appointed port for reprovisioning or safety reasons for a limited duration,supported by the relevant State or Territory government where safe haven is sought
8.a student completing year 11 and 12,with endorsement from the federal Department of Education,Skills and Employment(DESE)and;support from the relevant Australian State or Territory government health authority and education department.Further information regarding this process can be found at the Department of Education,Skills and Employment website.
9.a student in your final two years of study of a medical,dental,nursing or allied health profession university degree,where you have evidence of a confirmed placement in an Australian hospital or medical practice which begins within the next two months.
10.travelling for compassionate and compelling reasons.
需要注意的是,豁免成功后还需再做一个Australian Travel Declaration才可以入境。